When you walk inthe door, you see a stack of papers floating around your desk, and when you gohome, just as at the office, you can�t find those important papers you need sodesperately to stay out of trouble or make an excuse. When you come home atnight, you and your spouse argue, and your children ignore you because you justaren�t spending family time with some of the important people in your life.
Does this soundfamiliar? Have you ever wondered why? Well, you are not managing your timeaccordingly so that you reap benefits and the ones you love are happy. You arenot organized, so therefore how the heck can you find those importantdocuments? Moms already have a big responsibility and we neglect to manage ourtimes, our responsibilities turn to chaos.
Let�s face it; it is never easy to stayorganized when we have busy work schedules and a family to attend to, as wellas other responsibilities. The traditional individuals often store files in afiling cabinet, and clean their room and desk once every week. However, thereare people out there that are spontaneous. Some of us even store documents sothey are out of sight and soon find those documents are out of mind, untilsomeone calls their attention to the papers. The key to success moms is gettingyour priorities straight. If you shop for groceries once per week, you can cutback time by buying enough to last longer, so that grocery shopping isn�t partof your weekly plan. The extra hour or more that you spend at the supermarketcan be spent on quality time with the family. This is only one solution tomanaging your time, but it is certainly a start. In addition, you can make up alist of your duties, starting with the most important tasks first, and workingthrough the list one at a time. I found this to be a great solution formanaging time, since when you work hard to complete one task, the rests fallinto place with ease. If you spend an hour or even one half hour in the mirror,it is probably because you are not feeling good about your self. It takesapproximately five minutes to put make-up on, and to stand in the mirror longeris only taking up time. Hair is also important since our person in general setsan impression. If you spend longer time than needed doing your hair, tryfinding nice looking hairstyles that are less complicated to style. This isalso a great process of the time management solution. Clothing should also belimited but appropriate for whatever it is that you doing and it should nottake less than a couple of minutes to get dressed. Unless you are a model, oractress, overdressing is not appropriate in most cases for every day lifesituations. If you are spending extra time preparing meals, you might want toconsider recipes that are quick and healthy to manage your time mom.