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Choosing between Fedora and Enterprise

If you bought this book to try out Linux for the first time, rest assured that what you have on the DVD and CDs with this book is a solid, battle-tested operating system. There is still a lot of overlap between Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. However, many of the newest features of Fedora 12 provide a way to test out much of the software that is slated to go in later editions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Although Fedora may not be right for everyone, Fedora is great for students, home users, most small businesses, and anyone just wanting to try out the latest Linux technology. Larger businesses should seriously consider the implications on support, training, and future upgrade paths before choosing whether to go the Fedora route or sign on with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Also, businesses should be willing to deal with more frequent upgrades, because release and support cycles are much shorter with Fedora than with RHEL.

Despite its lack of formal support, however, Fedora is being used today in many businesses, schools, and homes around the world. In whatever way you plan to ultimately use Fedora, it is without a doubt a good way to learn and use the latest Linux technology as it is released to the Linux community and before it makes its way to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Many companies and organizations don�t choose between Fedora and RHEL, but instead offe a mixed environment. The most critical servers may run Red Hat Enterprise Linux, with a full support contract with Red Hat. In the same location, Fedora may be used for desktop systems or office-based file and print servers. Organizations that have features similar to those in RHEL without the cost can use CentOS (which is a rebuild of RHEL source code).

Source of Information :  Wiley - Adobe Fedora Bible 2010 Edition Featuring Fedora Linux
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