Several websites allow you the option of publishing your activity to Facebook. You�ll typically see this option with social networks and games that rely on users spreading information to bring awareness of their services. If you use popular social bookmarking website Delicious, you�re able to use Facebook Connect to authorize Delicious to post the websites that you save to their service on your Facebook Wall. You can also add a Delicious box to your home page that will automatically update as you run around the web bookmarking websites.
By linking together the various places you enjoy hanging out around the Internet, you�re able to use Facebook as a lifestream to show your community on Facebook what you�re interested in. But, with that comes some cautionary advice: Ensure that the information that you�re allowing to flow into Facebook doesn�t overwhelm your community and is actually useful to them. If not then they�ll begin hiding your status updates, ignoring you, de-fanning your Page, or at worse, unfriending you. If any of that happens then you close the door on everything that you�ve been working through this book to accomplish.
To help avoid flooding your community and understand how and where your activity on the Internet is used, it is helpful to create, what Louis Gray termed, a social media data flow.
Essentially, by working through this process you create a visual map of where the data that you input into various social networks ends up. This can help you get a grip on whether you may be overwhelming your community because it can happen easily as the habit of using Facebook Connect all over the web can become customary.
Source of Information : Facebook Marketing Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign