Grid View Basics
The bound data is arranged in columns and rows. Each column's GridColumn.FieldName property corresponds to a unique field name within the data source. All columns are stored in the ColumnView.Columns collection.
Each row can be identified by its row handle. See the Identifying Rows and Cards topic for details. The Overview of Columns and Card Fields and Rows and Cards Overview topics provide detailed information about columns and rows respectively.
The Grid View is the ancestor of the Banded Grid View and Advanced Banded Grid View. The latter two display data in a tabular form similar to the Grid View while organizing columns in bands.
Grid View Main Features
Grid Views enable you to represent data using a wide range of features:
� Master-Detail Support
This type of data representation requires the presence of at least two datasets - master and detail. These tables are linked by a one-to-many relationship, i.e. a single row in the first table can be related to one or more rows in the second table, but a row in the second table can be related to only one row in the first table.
� Grouping Rows
Enables you to group data against one or more columns. If you group data by a column, records with identical column values are arranged into corresponding data groups. The group row can be expanded to access the underlying data rows.
� Sorting Records
This feature provides the ability to sort data against one or multiple columns. When sorting is applied to a view, rows are re-arranged to meet the current sort settings.
� Filtering Records
Filtering allows you to display a subset of records from a data source. When filtering is applied to a Grid View, only those records that meet the current filter criteria are displayed. You can filter data against a single or multiple columns.
� Displaying the Preview Section
This feature allows each row to display a preview section. The Preview Section is a suitable place to display memo fields or any custom data for a given record. It is displayed across all the View's columns, thus the preview section's width is equal to the total column width.
� Hiding Unused Columns
The customization form provides facilities for adding and removing columns from a View at runtime by using drag & drop. Dragging the column by its header and dropping it within the customization form client area hides the column from the current View. The column reappears when the header is dragged from the customization form to the View's client area. Banded Views support the same operations with bands. See the topic for details.
� Displaying Popup Menus
Such menus provide the ability to perform actions linked to particular visual elements. A context menu can be invoked by right-clicking on any of the following visual elements: Column Header, Footer Cell and Group Panel. See the topic for details.
� Displaying Hints
In Grid Views, hints can be displayed both in cells and column headers.
� Displaying Summaries
This feature can be used to customize brief information about group rows or particular columns displayed within the Group Row, Footer Cell and Group Footer.
� Selecting Multiple Rows
This feature can be useful for end-users. See the End-User Capabilities: Selecting Rows/Cards topic for details.
� Grid layout customization at design time or runtime.
Each column within a Grid View can be moved, resized or fixed at a particular position. See the Columns Layout and Auto Width topic for details. Rows also can also be resized.
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